Growing Into the World

Children's Museum of Atlanta Blog

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Staff Pick: Earth Day Toys

Earth Day is right around the corner and here at the Museum we love to encourage healthy planet habits that take care of Earth! We will be celebrating Earth Day this weekend with Novelis on Saturday and Sunday. This will be the 45th anniversary of the Earth Day movement, meaning 45 years of “broadening the base of support for environmental programs, rekindling public commitment and building community activism around the world through a broad range of events and activities”. All the environmental activities and lessons are very important to pass down to our children.

We currently have some awesome items in our Museum Store that are definitely Earth Day appropriate. Our staff picked out their 3 favorite Earth Day items from the store and shared a little bit about why they liked the particular items.

Kareen Dames, manager of museum sales, recommends:

The Busy Bug Gardens is my favorite thing in the Museum Store because I love butterflies! This awesome little kit allows children to learn about gardening and enjoying the site of Monarch butterflies and hummingbirds, both of which are attracted to the Purple Coneflower that will sprout from the seeds in the kit. I also like that this is an activity that can be done inside or outside.

Debbie Palay. director of development, recommends:

I would recommend spending time with the Solar Print Kit. These kits are an excellent way to teach kids about the power of the sun and the chemical process behind the imaging that takes place on the special paper. This is an activity that is suitable and appealing to both boys and girls and can be a fun way to spend a sunny afternoon.

Cayce Dunn, digital marketing manager, recommends:

I love the Recycled Paper Beads kit! I love doing crafts and the fact that this craft also recycles was definitely a two-for-one plus! Making paper beads always seemed tedious and a little tiring by hand, but this gadget that fits perfectly on a recycled water bottle looks like a super simple and efficient way to make beads. Not to mention, the added bonus of the recycled water bottle being used as a container for the finished beads. I love the idea of showing children how old magazine pages can be used to create fun jewelry and awesome one-of-a-kind handmade gifts. Recycling is definitely a planet-friendly way of using your imagination to figure out how to use the most out of the stuff you have!

If you plan on visiting us to celebrate Earth Day, drop by the Museum store to check out these items. They would make awesome gifts or just a fun activity to take a part of the Museum and the message home with you. Earth Day celebrations at the Museum begin Saturday, April 18th at 12 PM. The fun will continue Sunday, April 19th at 3:00 PM. Check our Programming Schedule for more info of the days happenings!



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Save the World With Your Fellow Super Kids!

This week, we are super excited about welcoming a new feature exhibit on Saturday. This is always a very exciting time for everybody here at the Museum. We love watching the pieces come together and something that we’ve heard about for months click into place. This one looks truly terrific and we are really looking forward to exploring it with you!

The exhibit, Super Kids Save the World exhibit, is based on a children’s book, George Saves the World by Lunchtime, which was written by Jo Readman and illustrated by Ley Honor Roberts. The book was developed by the Eden Project, an educational charity located in Cornwall, England, which is dedicated to showing the importance of taking care of our world. George Saves the World by Lunchtime features an ordinary family, who in the course of their day save the world simply by making responsible choices. George, Flora and Grandpa demonstrate that by taking simple steps, families can become eco-friendly superheroes in their own communities.

Super Kids Save the World features immersive environments inspired by the book where children can learn about “green” practices in their community. The exhibit features a family home with a garden; a re-use charity shop, where kids learn to donate outgrown items instead of discarding them; a recycling center, where today’s trash becomes the materials of tomorrow; a gas station and a Smart car, where families learn tips to reduce fuel consumption; a farmer’s market, where foods come free of wasteful packaging; and even a research lab, where alternative fuel sources are under development. Through pretend play, engaging activities, fun graphics and energy-saving tips, kids can find out how they too can become super kids and save the world.

The exhibit was created by The Magic House, a terrific children’s museum in St. Louis MO, and was designed by Killeen Studio Architects. It debuted at The Magic House in April 2010 and, after a local run of eight months, began touring the country. It will be with us for three months and we can’t wait to play and learn in it!

Here are some facts about recycling and reusing materials:

• Recycled paper requires 64% less energy than making paper from virgin wood pulp, and can save many trees
• It takes 90% less energy to recycle aluminum cans than to make new ones
• 84% of all household waste can be recycled
• Every ton of paper that is recycled saves 17 trees
• The amount of wood and paper thrown away is enough to heat 50 million homes for 20 years
• Each person throws away approximately four pounds of garbage every day
• 5 billion aluminum cans are used each year
• Most families throw away about 88 pounds of plastic every year
• How long does it take for waste to break down? Organic materials, like cotton, rags, or paper, take about 6 months. Plastics and aluminum cans will take 500 years!

Learn lots more, and get ready to have lots of fun, when Super Kids opens on Saturday. We look forward to seeing you!